Dolomite sand is a product for liming soil that helps improve soil pH and structure, being a cost-effective solution for liming soil that leads to optimum plant growth and productivity. Dolomite sand is a slow-acting agent for liming soil with a high neutralising capacity of 101.0 or 104.4%, depending on the preferred particle size. It not only helps eliminate soil acidity, but also restores the balance of minerals, ensuring optimum growing conditions for plants. The product is rich in calcium and magnesium, soil elements important for the health and productivity of plants. At the same time, it does not contain active calcium and magnesium oxides (CaO and MgO), so it can be applied to soil in any season, but is especially effective in autumn or early spring. Dolomite sand, especially its larger particles, can help improve soil structure, particularly in clayey soils, improving their water and air permeability. Dolomite sand is a material that must be used in precise doses and applied to the soil using fertiliser spreader equipment.
Packaging and delivery
Minimum order quantity: 7 tonnes.
The product can be delivered using a tanker truck, in a cargo box, or packaged in large bags.