Supporting children’s race at the Salaspils half marathon

We have been working with the Salaspils half marathon for a number of years, since it began in 2015. This year, too, we were happy to support the 0.75 km children’s race as part of the half marathon.

We have been happy to provide assistance for the Salaspils half marathon since its inception in 2015. This year was no different: we supported the 0.75 km children’s race, and our hearts were full of joy as we gave special prizes to the runners to took the first three places. We believe that sport plays a critical role in our lives, and one of the areas where we provide support is sporting activities, not only for better physical health, but also to promote mental wellbeing, building self-discipline, responsibility, team skills, and self-esteem. We will continue to support and promote these activities as part of our corporate mission to help raise a strong, healthy, and active youth.

* Photo: Kaspars Suškēvičs

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