Planning a solar farm in Saulkalne

We are planning to build a solar farm and transition to hybrid vehicles in our quarries

As part of the company’s sustainability programme, we have launched a solar farm project in Saulkalne, order to provide green energy for our production site. The solar farm has a design capacity of 250 kW and is scheduled for completion in early 2024.

Juris Seilis, head of Saulkalne S group: ‘This year, one of our company’s main developments has been the implementation of a sustainability programme, making the production and extraction of minerals environmentally friendly. We have also launched a solar farm construction project that will provide clean energy to our main production facility in Saulkalne. The manufacturing process will become more eco-friendly, and we will also become more self-sufficient and less dependent on fluctuations in energy prices. This is vital for us as a manufacturing company.

We are also modernising our fleet with more economical and environmentally friendly road vehicles. We are beginning to transition to hybrid vehicles in the quarries, reducing our CO2 footprint and our fuel consumption by about 30%,’ Seilis said.

In total, in 2023, we invested more than 500 thousand euros implementing various eco-friendly initiatives as part of our sustainability programme.

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